
航空会社別写真集 サマラ航空


サマラ航空 Samara Airlines(E5/BRZ)


Samara Airlines was an airline based in Samara city.It operated scheduled and charter flights from Samara to destinations in Russia and other countries.harter flights destinations were to Austria, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Spain, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. Its main base was at Kurumoch International Airport (KUF).This airlines management did not go well, and the airline went bankrupt in 2008.

サマラ航空(ロシア).ツポレフTu-154B-2(RA-85585) サマラ航空(ロシア).ツポレフTu-154B-2(RA-85585).エンジン形式KU.NK-8-2U.座席Y164.アタテュルク国際空港.トルコ. 2002
SAMARA AIRLINES(E5/BRZ).Tupolev 154B-2(RA85585).powered by Atatürk International Airport.(IST/LTBA).Turkey 2002

座席( F:ファーストクラス.C:ビジネスクラス.PY:プレミアムエコノミー.Y:エコノミークラス)
製造(工場からの出荷年), 最大離陸重量. 撮影場所(撮影国). 撮影年
Name of airline.
(Airline code :IATA/ICAO).
Name of Country.
Type of aircraft.(Registration number)

powered by:number of engines.manufacturer.a exact type of engines
mtow:maximum take-off weight
config:a exact seating-configuration
preID:previous identity( registration number)
mfd:month and year of manufacture
at XXX airport
:airport name(IATA code(3-letter)/ICAO (4-letter)).Country.Photo taken year.


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